Immorality vs Morality by Pst Success Simon


I love how Easy English put Romans 7:8;

7 So then, someone might say, ‘The Law that God gave to Moses must be bad.’ No! Certainly, they are not bad *Without those laws,* I would not have known what sin really is. One rule says, ‘You must not want to take things that belong to other people.’ *Without that rule, I would not have known that it is wrong to want other people's things.*

8 *But that rule gave sin a chance to come into my thoughts. As a result, I started to want all kinds of wrong things. If there is no law to tell us what is wrong, then sin has no power.*

Meaning, only you can conceive what you call  sin by the  law of sin and death in your mind. Without your own  law, you will not even know what sin look like.  You will be like Adam and Eve been naked yet no idea of shame. The moment you start accusing others for being sinners, you are just acting like the devil. You are thinking like the devil not God. God thinking is far from that. You are thinking just like a fallen man.

Today, when you see a lady dressed half naked, you shout, sin sin sin. My brother, you have brain problem which need renewal to think like God.  Immorality is not in dressing but lack of accurate knowledge. Immorality is walking by the law of sin and death while morality is walking by the law of the Spirit full of freedom and liberty. Morality is to walk in the knowledge of Christ while immorality is walking in the fallen knowledge of the World.(Romans 12:1-2)

When you start feeling guilty and condemnation, it means you are being immoral but when you start walking in liberty and freedom, you are moral.

You see, Adam and Eve were naked yet God didn't say they were immoral. He created them. They became immoral when their mind open to the law of sin and death.  Morality is in the  knowledge of Christ while immorality is in the knowledge of sin and death(worldly rules.) Destroy all the rules you set unto yourself towards God. Be free from all rule and walk in the Spirit.

When Adam and Eve eyes opened to the law of sin and death (self), they began to feel ashamed of their own perfection. They thought,  God created them imperfect. Hence, what makes a man feel bad is his own rules and regulations he set down for himself towards God. He needs heavenly knowledge of Christ. Man is created to walk by the law of the Spirit which is in Christ. Meaning, one needs Christ in other to walk in the Spirit to be free from the law of sin and death.

Romans 8:2KJV
*For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.*

You need human law of sin and death to call acts as sins. Jesus set me free from the law of sin and death which Adam open my mind into and established me into the law of the Spirit to walk free from guilt and condemnation.

So all your pastors who claim they understood grace yet refuse to believe sin is dead to all, they are nothing but legalists because the law of sin and death is working in their members for this reason they say others are sinners because they don't believe.Morality is saying and seeing as God sees and says, while immorality is seeing and saying as the devil sees and says which brings condemnation.

When people start to walk in the knowledge of Christ, what you call as moral just manifest by itself. The immoral person in the World today is a person who accuses others characters. He is he who see sins in others.

But as for me and my family, we are living by the law of the Spirit. Hence, we say always SIN IS DEAD to all so all can receive Christ by faith!

Stay blessed.


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