THE NIGERIA I SEE - The Call of a Nigerian Graduate

*THE NIGERIA I SEE* _By Joshua N. Nicholas_ *THE CALL OF A NIGERIAN GRADUATE PT 1* I school, you school; we all school. The journey just begun but though anyway. We left our comfort homes to new horizons for the fear of the future. We lit up the candles as boys and girls for the glorious women and men to emerge. Lecturers played hide and seek with us, university staff controlled our selling point and even navigated us to the tempest when there was a safe shore. Assignments stole our sleep, puzzled with our lifeline and sometimes even shifted the positions of our pockets and pulse. We studied harder to get the grades as new semester approaches, old logarithm fades as we head on for new logistics. At sunrise, morning lecture calls with stomach filled with nothing and sustains the day with streneous non-activities with offices of lecturers becoming home-sweet-home. What of when the sponsor unsponsors and garri becomes a well treated campus salad. Sometimes a lift with the...