*Why should I attend church* Why should I attend church (more than 1-2x a month)?" The truth is that even on weeks when we're not volunteering at church, we play a crucial role. There's something significant about God's people gathered together with the intent of worshipping Him, learning from His Word, and pointing others to His gospel & grace. There's power in the numbers of God's people. By showing up, we're declaring that God's purposes that morning in church and in the lives of those who are far from Him are more important than anything else we've got going on in our life. His Presence is more important than our being tired, lazy, apathetic, worn-out, bored, busy, or any other excuse we might throw out. And when we do put God first in this practical way, we believe God honors that & works in our Presence. The truth is, we attend church not for ourselves, but because we care about the lost people that may be at church that day and w...