What Else is Cultism?

*What Else is Cultism?*

Confraternity means a group of people with a common interest.
As a matter of urgency in the spirit, this article is meant to reclaim the lost identity and set Babylon on rampage. The mount of Esau is exalting itself against Zion and something needs to be done swiftly. The enemy has rode on us for so long; where one smallboy can come and harass an entire church with one small gun proclaiming boldly that he is a cultist. Forgetting we are greater cultists, more dreaded, fearful and extremely Militia🔥🔥
Some artilleries in our arsenal are listed below:

 *1. Significance of the Gun:*   This type of gun ehnn if you shoot it, it doesn't just destroy mortal bodies. It has the capacity and potential to penetrate into realms and cause havoc. It can also pierce the soul and spirit, kill it or quicken it alive. That's why you need to fear this gun. Heb 4:12, Psm 29:7, 2Tim 1:7.
 *2. Significance of the Blood:* It is in our tradition and part of our sacred activities to intercourse with blood. The same way you need blood to be healthy, that's the same way you even need a greater measure to stay spiritually alive. In this family, blood is what we are known for. We drink it, we sprinkle it all around, we cook with it, we bath it, etc. So I don't know why you will hear that one village man drank blood on your behalf or you saw blood around your house and your body is shaking you. Tarrh, don't be a disgrace to us oo. Where one sip of the blood we drink can shut down the whole kingdom of darkness, the blood that Satan cannot stand it's sight. We are talking here about the blood of Jesus, our seal for victory and overcoming: maybe we should check your DNA. Rev 12:11
 *3. Significance of Sacrifice:* When you have reached the crossroad and you don't know what to do again, then its time for a sacrifice. The Kingdom still answers to sacrifice; Christ sacrifice was specifically for Salvation and its benefit. 1 Kings 3:4-5,13
 *4. Significance of Assignments:* In the secular occult, most times after a very successful mission, follows promotion. Either to go and kill or whatever the assignment maybe.
So in the Kingdom we have our individual assignments to Kingdom relevance. So try and make sure you excel there; if you don't know yours, please go and consult the one who gives the assignment. (The Holy Spirit) Jer 1:5
 *5. Significance of Smoking:* Before some missions are undertaken, a high degree of 'stuffs' that changes normalcy to something else are being consumed.  Little wonder you see some people act and you get shocked, they are under an influence and it helps them to carry out their task easier; that's why they can even kill without feeling it.
So the same, during special missions, we need to high, 'to take something', that will transit us from this earth's realm and take us somewhere higher. What we high, if anyhow person come and high it, one doze is straight death, your head must be very strong before you take one wrap of this one oo. Jude 1:20, Matt 3:11. We smoke and high in the Holy Ghost.
 *6. Significance of Charms:* Whenever i see those wearing the 'inner belt' carrying charms, etc,  I don't blame them. For us, we carry a greater measure than all the world put together inside us. But sometimes ehhn, you see, we need to still hold small thing or carry small thing too.  Whether going for mission or no mission, just try and have 'little things'. Your anointing oil should always be in your bag, mantles, if you can carry blood too, please carry; sometimes these things aid our activities. They should not be overemphasized 2 Kings 2:13,14.
 *7. Significance of Fortification:* You see ehhm, what makes some people bold in terrible situations, is their belief that they have been 'cooked' somewhere. That machetes,  bullets, etc will not penetrate their bodies.
As a believer, there must be a place and time to get fortified (Fast and pray), cooked up and more spiritually aggressive. Remember it is not a fight to flesh and blood, but a contest to principalities and powers. Matt 4:2.
 *8. Significance of Boldness:* Your decision to be audacious in the realm of the spirit, should only be an inborne psychographic; your father is a Lion and it is in her (The Lion) nature to dare. You are an insult to redemption if you are running away from your compound, house, neighbourhood, etc because of one freemansory like that abi Ogboni or occult person. When you are operating from a higher territory, a Lion's den (Zion); please rethink and be bold, they should be in disarray and be running away from you. Rev 5:5.
 *9. Significance of Association:* One of the rare things you see occult people do is to walk alone, live alone, etc. They are always found in the midst of members of their confraternity.
Stay in the midst of like minds, be around people that will strengthen your faith, admonish you, be in a Godly environment where you can exhort each other and grow in God. Your association decides your force and  affect your motion. Dan 2:17-19, Mk 5:37.
 *10. Significance of True Allegiance:* If found to belong to more than one confraternity, you are doomed for death. You must be killed.
There is no fence seating, one day in - one day out, church today, shrine tomorrow. You have to decide your faith and stick to the MONARCH OF ZION. He is the Greatest LORD. 2Tim 2:19
Surrender totally to Him today.

See you must kill in this Kingdom to move up rank oo, if you have not killed before, something is wrong oo. You have the right to tell every troubler of your destiny to sleep and never wake up again. Yes! Luke 21:22.
Finally, the place if the Spirit is irreplaceable; it is the seal of our creation and our greatest asset as believers.
We have to live up to expectations of the spirit - our Kingdom is not happy with the way some malnourished folks treat us over here, despite us being superior. Enough of the harassment from people of lesser domains.

* LORD in anyway I have disgraced you and the Kingdom, please forgive me.
* Tribulation on the wicked is counted as a 'Righteous thing' for you; and so every wicked seating on the destiny of anyone in my household, this minute receive the Judgment of God in Jesus name. Amen! 2Thess 1:6.
* Lord please sedown your fire of revival in my household.

 *© Joshua Nicholas*


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