Mina (also called Menas) is regarded in Egypt
as one of the great heroes of the Christian
faith. The earliest depictions of Mina show
him with two camels, suggesting that he may
have been a camel driver. However, according
to popular tradition he was an Egyptian
soldier in the Roman army who served in
Phrygia, Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey).
During the persecution under Diocletian, Mina
went to the mountains where he led a life of
prayer and austerity. Then at the games in
Cotywus he publicly announced his
Christianity, which led to his arrest. Mina was
brought before the ruler of Phrygia, beaten,
tortured, and finally beheaded. His body was
returned to Egypt for burial at a place near
Alexandria in around 303 that was later
named Abu Mina after this martyr.
O Christ, the King of glory, who didst
enter the holy city in meekness to be
made perfect through the suffering of
death: Give us grace, we beseech thee,
in all our life here to take up our cross
daily and follow thee, that hereafter we
may rejoice with thee in thy heavenly
kingdom; who livest and reignest with
the Father and the Holy Spirit, God,
world without end.
Church of South India

Originally published in Heroes of the Faith by
Patrick Sookhdeo (Isaac Publishing)


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