When should I ask her out?
Sir Tekena Ikoko, I have a friend, she is 20,
and I am 20... we are not dating, we are just
close friends .We are both good Christians,
and I am by the grace of God a minister of
God and the President of XXX (Deleted
I notice that, when i love other girls so much,
the spirit of God in me warns me. And it's as
if am sinning, but for this girl, no matter how
I love or think about her, I feel safe, even to
tell God about her.
Lastly, when she was to visit me recently, I
prayed and told God 2 show me two signs if
she is d will of God 4 me in marriage and my
wife 2 be. One of d signs is that when she
comes, she should hug me, which she had
never done since we have been meeting... And
she did it 2ndly that she should also buy me
something... She came, and after sumtym, she
went outside and bought a drink for me, which
she had never also done b4...
So sir, with these signs I bliv she is my will of
God 4 marriage, and my wife 2 be... But is it
advisable 2 tell her now? Or let her know,
especially considering our age and I'm in 200
Level and she is in 300 Level?
My Response: Dear Young Man of God, thanks
for sharing with me. I love your sincerity. You
have asked at the right time. When God
revealed to David that he was going to be
king, He didn't tell him how long it would take
and the process that was involved. Do you
know that David first became an errand boy,
then was promoted to musician, then he
joined the army and yet it was not time? Do
you know that even when he killed Goliath and
all the women sang his song, it was not yet
time? Do you know that David raised a small
band, and ran exploits all over Israel and
Palestine, but it was not yet time?.... Infact, it
is believed that it took him about 24 years
more before he was finally ready to sit on the
throne. Now, imagine if he had rushed and
confronted Saul, that God had told him he was
to be the next king and demanded the
throne....David would have been a dead dog.
There is a huge gap between revelation and
manifestation. Right now, you are already
getting too close to this girl, WHEN IT IS
not ready to give her the intimacy, and
responsibility that comes with a godly
relationship, without distracting your current
short term academic and spiritual goals.
Please be like the Virgin Mary who "she hid it
in her heart",... this is what you are supposed
to do..."He that believes does not make
Please do not allow your PRESIDO position to
confuse you. The anointing may be on your
head to lead a congregation, but it takes a
different kind of anointing to lead a woman to
marriage, and if you are not read, you will kill
or delay the plans that God has for you. Trust
me, I have been there, and beyond there, I
have studied the ways of God. I have seen
Moses run ahead of his time, I have seen
many campus Christian blow their purity
gowns and my heart bleeds.
The question is this: What do you know about
love? Do you know the 12 tests of love? Do
you know the difference between sex and
intimacy? Do you know the meaning of
emotional stability? Do you know how to
manage conflicts in relationship? Do you know
how to read a woman's mood and how to
respond accordingly? Are your financially
independent to stand by her? Do you know the
role of money and balance in relationship? Do
you know how to guide weakness due to
hormones ? Do you have a sexual purity plan?
Do you know the difference between falling in
love and walking in love?
I have listed but a few things that you should
know. ... and doubt that you know this in
Dear friend, please let this be a time to grab
my books, especially HI CAN WE BE FRIENDS,
KNOW, and other books like the Real Man and
Maximised Manhood, by Edwin Louis Cole.
Please don't let your erection determine your
direction, and don't use your revelations as an
excuse for stupidity. You couldn't have been
more spiritual than me when I was your age
and broke the rules of relationship, and paid
dearly for it. Today, I teach authoritatively
that if you break the rules of godly
relationship, the rules will break you. Period!
Go after these books, and let this babe wait.
"Dis one wey she don dey buy you drink for
confirmation, I no know wetin she go buy again." (Nigerian Pidgin language)


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