What is your true identity? By David Ibiyeomie

Being born of your parents is a natural
phenomenon but being born of God is
supernatural; that has to do with the spirit.
The real you is not the body; the real you is
the spirit in you. That is why even after the
body dies, the spirit remains alive. God is a
Spirit being and He made you in His image –
a spirit. {Psalm 82:6}
An understanding of who you are is the
beginning of triumph in your Christian
adventure. Your true identity is who you are in
Christ Jesus; not what you do {John 10:34}
You must understand that in the hierarchy of
the spirit, you are superior to the devil. God
has given you the power of attorney to
exercise authority over Satan and gain
dominion over the affairs of life. {Matthew
16:19} {Matthew 18:18}
Being born again is a shift in identity; a
change of citizenship. It transforms your
entire being and grants you freedom from the
law of sin and death –Col. 2:13
Tribe, race, nationality or position does not
determine what you will become; it is who you
are in Christ that determines that. Your
perspective plays a vital role in knowing who
you are.
As an heir of God’s kingdom, you are
decorated with royalty and distinction. You
are empowered with an uncompromising
authority to reign as a king over the devil and
his cohorts – 1Peter 2:9
The world is waiting for your manifestation as
a son/daughter of God to bring liberty to
mankind. You are a solution provider, a
carrier of signs and wonders – Romans
New birth is not just a ticket to heaven; it is
also a gateway to a world of signs and
wonders. If everything on earth belongs to
God, then you are entitled to enjoy the riches
and live a life of comfort and pleasure here on
Do you know who you are?
1. You are a spirit – John 3:6
2. You are a goD – Exodus. 7:1
3. You are an ambassador of Christ –
2Corinthians 5:20
4. You are the salt of the earth – Matthew.
Until you know your true identity as a
Christian, believe it and behave likewise, you
cannot achieve it. You cannot rise higher than
your thoughts; what you believe from the
scripture about you will determine the kind of
future you will experience – 2Corinthians
Therefore you must beware of what you think
for when your thoughts are directed towards
failure, after a while, it will begin to manifest
through spoken words and then, actions.
Nothing becomes a reality in the life of any
man until his mind is able to accommodate it.
Finally, your authority and placement in life is
a function of your faith and the efficacy of
your faith is a function of the quality time you
spend with the Word of God which is the only
source of faith. Enjoy the authority God has
given to you here on earth as His child and
make sure the generations coming after you
hears about you by leaving your footprint in
the sands of time.
God bless you in Jesus name.


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