Eric Aboadwe, Ghana
Our Scripture reading is taken from the Book
of Isaiah where God says:
“No WEAPON formed against you shall
prosper, and every tongu
e which rises against
you in judgment you shall condemn. This is
the heritage of the SERVANTS OF THE LORD
and their RIGHTEOUSNESS is from ME,” says
the LORD” (Isaiah 54:17).
Many Christians are very familiar with this
passage in Isaiah, and they are fond of saying,
“No WEAPON formed against me shall
prosper.” Meanwhile they claim this promise
God gave the reason why He says that “No
WEAPON formed against you shall prosper.”
And He said it is because “their
RIGHTEOUSNESS is from ME,” says the
LORD.” Therefore if somebody does not
BELIEVE that JESUS fulfilled “all
recorded in the Bible in Matthew 3:15, then
the promise in Isaiah 54:17 is not for him.
How can a Christian say “I BELIEVE in what
GOD says in Isaiah 54:17, but I don’t BELIEVE
in what JESUS says in Matthew 3:15.” Any
Christian who is like that is a FALSE
BELIEVER. Such a Christian cannot enter the
Kingdom of God. This is because JESUS tells
us, “For I say to you, that UNLESS your
RIGHTEOUSNESS of the Scribes and
Pharisees, you will by no means enter the
Kingdom of God” (Matthew 5:20).
Dear reader, if the Pharisees who were born in
the Law and brought up in the Law to the
extent that they were so SELF-RIGHTEOUS to
bring a woman of adultery in front of JESUS,
and yet upon all this JESUS says that their
RIGHTEOUSNESS is not enough for them to
enter the Kingdom of God, then it is
confirming what God says in Isaiah that “all
our RIGHTEOUSNESS are like filthy
rags” (Isaiah 64:6).
The LORD told us, “UNLESS your
RIGHTEOUSNESS of the Scribes and
Pharisees, you will by no means enter the
Kingdom of God.” So what is the
“RIGHTEOUSNESS” which exceeds that of the
Scribes and Pharisees? It is none other than
JESUS CHRIST in His BAPTISM at the Jordan
River (Matthew 3:13-17).
If God says that “No WEAPON formed against
you shall prosper,” He Himself has given you
His own RIGHTEOUSNESS. That’s why the
Apostle Paul said, "And being found in Him,
not having my own RIGHTEOUSNESS, which is
from the Law, but that which is through FAITH
from GOD by FAITH" (Philippians 3:9).
When JESUS went to John for Him to take our
SINS upon Himself in the form of the laying
on of hands in the WATERS of Jordan, He told
John, “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is
fitting for us to fulfill all
RIGHTEOUSNESS” (Matthew 3:15). Therefore
when JESUS says that, “Blessed are those who
hunger and thirst for RIGHTEOUSNESS, for
they shall be filled” (Matthew 5:6), it means
that His WATER BAPTISM which fulfilled “all
righteousness” will quench the hunger and
thirst of those who BELIEVE, and “they shall
be filled” with this “RIGHTEOUSNESS.”
I wonder why some Christians have allowed
Satan to deceived them to take the words of
JESUS in Matthew 3:15 for granted. JESUS is
GOD. So don’t take His words for granted. The
secret to SALVATION is based on your
understanding of what JESUS says in Matthew
3:15. If you fail to understand what JESUS
says in Matthew 3:15, then you cannot also
understand Isaiah 54:17.
When you read the same book of Isaiah, God
said, “Search from the BOOK of the LORD, and
READ; Not one of these shall fail; Not one
shall lack her MATE. For My mouth has
commanded it, and His Spirit has gathered
them” (Isaiah 34:16). When God says “the
BOOK of the LORD” He is referring to the
Written WORD which is JESUS CHRIST.
Don’t also forget that God said, “Not one shall
lack her MATE.” So what is the “MATE” of
Isaiah 54:17? It is Matthew 3:15. You must
know that the “RIGHTEOUSNESS” which God
mentioned Isaiah 54:17 and the
“RIGHTEOUSNESS” which JESUS mentioned in
Matthew 3:15. They are just like a HUSBAND
and WIFE which you cannot SEPARATE. That’s
why JESUS Himself said, “Therefore what God
has joined together, let no one
SEPARATE” (Mark 10:9).
We must therefore know that it is God Himself
who told us His “RIGHTEOUSNESS” in Isaiah
54:17 has “her MATE.” And He is telling us
that the “MATE” is Matthew 3:15. Therefore if
anybody attempt to SEPARATE these two
MATES which “God has joined together,” then
that person will suffer a disastrous and a
catastrophic judgment from God.
Nobody should attempt to replace “GOD’S
RIGHTEOUSNESS” mentioned in Isaiah 54:17,
Matthew 3:15, and Matthew 5:20 with HUMAN
RIGHTEOUSNESS. Any Christian who does this
will also face a sever consequence in hell-fire.
If somebody attempt to replace GOD’S
RIGHTEOUSNESS, it is like putting square
pegs in round holes which will never work. So
our entrance into the Kingdom of God will
never work unless we BELIEVE in His
It is written that “In the beginning was the
WORD, and the WORD was with GOD, and the
WORD was GOD” (John 1:1). Therefore the
WORD in Isaiah 54:17 is JESUS CHRIST
because He is the “WORD,” and He is the one
who spoke about the RIGHTEOUSNESS IN
Isaiah 54:17 to John the Baptist that it is His
BAPTISM which fulfills that
God also said, “and every tongue which rises
against you in judgment you shall condemn.”
This is because “For there is no
CONDEMNATION for those who are in CHRIST
JESUS” (Romans 8:1). JESUS also said that
the truly born again Saints of His WATER and
the SPIRIT “shall not come into judgement,
but they have passed from death into
life” (Matthew 5:24). Therefore God’s
SERVANTS can condemn every tongue which
rises against them because they BELIEVE in
Let us PRAISE the LORD GOD for His


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