By Dr. Paul Enenche

2Kings 4;8-27
It took Audacity for the Shunem woman to refuse the death verdict on her child of miracle.
Audacity is the willingness to take bold risk. It is the possession of a daring, fighting, aggressive and a violent spirit. It is the refusal of existence in cowardice and timidity.

* The refusal to be buried in negative identity
* In the decision to maximally deploy her potential to make impact despite set back
* The determination to fight her way from the background to the fore front of life
* The refusal to focus on what was not working
* The refusal to take 'no' for an answer under all circumstances; the determination to either find a way or create one.
* The decision to be proactive instead of being reactive, the determination to live on the edge.
* It was her choice for joy, in the midst of pressure. Be a joy distributor.

* Audacity is key to prosperity. Aggression determines possession and progression. Your heart determines your part. Your heart derermines your share. No liver no silver, no gut no gold.
* Audacity determines authority. It is the boldness the lion that makes it the strongest, it takes risk to rise.
* Audacity is  the cure of calamity. It takes force to be free. It takes violence to see victory. It takes patience to be a patient
* Audacity is the doorway to exploit

* Personal decision. The decision not to exist as a vegetable.
* Company with the Lord. Acts 4:13. Your friends affects your force, your friends influence your motion.
* Insights of the scripture (Faith is the dept of Audacity)
* Audacity can cone by demand at the place of prayer. Acts 4:39


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