Police chief responds to atheists' criticism of 'God's not dead'

An amazing trend
is taking over the
internet. All
across the
United States
, police departments are
performing and recording hilarious lip
syncs. Then, they challenge other
departments to do the same.
The Norfolk Police Department , the
Sherman, Texas Police Department , and
the Hollywood, Alabama Police
Department have all participated, just to
name a few. And their viral videos are so
much fun to watch.
But when the Crandall, Texas Police
Department decided to get involved, their
faith-filled lip sync managed to draw heat
from a group of atheists known for
making trouble!
As this fun challenge swept the nation,
the citizens of Crandall, Texas urged their
local police department to participate.
“What an awesome way to create
conversations and relationships with the
community,” the department wrote on
Facebook after posting their own lip sync
video. “Have fun in life, keep safe and be
For their video, the Crandall Police
Department decided to honor Jesus by
singing along to the Christian song ‘God’s
Not Dead’ by the Newsboys.
The citizens certainly seemed to love it,
with loads of supportive comments rolling
in. In fact, even the Newsboys themselves
praised the officers for their amazing
But, of course, you can’t please everyone.
And after giving the video a “thumbs
down,” the Freedom From Religion
Foundation (FFRF) issued a complaint
about the song selection, as well as the
“many instances of explicit endorsement
of Christianity.”
“Government employees can worship, pray,
or read any religious text they wish when
acting in their personal capacities,” the
complaint read. “But they are not
permitted to provide prestige to their
personal religion through the machinery of
a government office. The police
department belongs to ‘We the people,’
not the department’s temporary
The Wisconsin-based atheist group wants
to see the Crandall Police Department lip
sync taken down. But when asked for his
response to the FFRF complaint, Police
Chief Dean Winters simply replied with a
colon and a parenthesis. In the social
media world, this symbol creates a
winking smiley face: ;)
Police Chief Winters is an outspoken
Christian, standing firm in his faith. He
knows his help, in all he does, comes
from the Lord (Psalm 121:2).
"My faith in Jesus gives me the strength
to deal with so many different aspects of
life. First and foremost, in my most
important role as a husband and father,
but also in my role as an officer and chief
of police," he said. “I don't believe faith
interferes with the ability to serve, but
instead it enhances it.”
So, Police Chief Winters puts his faith
first rather than worrying about what
those opposed to God may think.
"Of course there are always detractors,"
he said . "But in this case, a little bit of
darkness is making His light shine even
We’re so glad to see this police
department is honoring God and refusing
to back down!


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