Please these benefits are not for everyone; Before you will want to claim the benefits, don't forget this Sunday is a platform for you to give. .it is our Welfare Offering Sunday.
Come and start giving so that you can qualify in getting the benefits. Thankyou
1. Every time you give in worship, you give into plenty.
- Matthew 19:29
2. When you let go, you become a "goal-getter". - John 12:24
3._When it is a tearful seed, it will bring you a cheerful harvest. - Psalm 126:5-6
4. If you’re not a giver today, you’ll be a beggar tomorrow.
- Proverbs 10:4
5. Weepful? sowing will help you whip the devil off your finances.
- Psalm 126:5-6
6. Every time God smells a good savour, He releases blessings. - Genesis 4:4
7. When you sow where things are happening, you don’t miss the blessings.
- Matthew 13:8
8. You can’t be a genuine giver and yet be a beggar.
- Luke 6:38
9. Whatever you love giving never finishes.
- Galatians 6:7
10. When you sow what pleases God, you will reap what pleases you.
- 1 Kings 3:4-11
11. Consumers are always servants to
- Proverbs 22:7
12. Whatever you’re a giver of will never finish in your life, it will be surplus.
- Proverbs 11:24
13. When you give in worship, it is God’s covenant
responsibility to multiply you.
- Luke 5:4-7
14. Your blessing is not in asking but in doing.
- Deuteronomy 28:1
15. Stop being a consumer! Be a distributor.
- Acts 20:35
16. If you?ve not been giving, stop praying to
receive! You’re not the one God says He will
- Proverbs 10:4
17. If you are a giver, God is committed to your receiving.
- Luke 6:38
18. Until your life becomes a seed, your future remains solitary.
- John 12:24
19. Giving to a bigger man than yourself brings honour to you.
- Matthew 10:41
20. Asking is the ministry of beggars.
- Proverbs 22:7
21. Every giving person is a healthy person.
- Exodus 23:25
22. "What must I do?" is the way to true harvest.
- Matthew 7:7-8
23. The life of a hard-fisted man is always high- tensioned.
- Proverbs 11:24
24. Don’t tie your life to gifts; tie it to giving! - Acts 20:35
25. There is a "Lack-free" zone in the Kingdom, but you gain access by giving. - Isaiah 1:19
26. The giving life is the winning life.
- Acts 20:35
27. Your willingness to give, determines its acceptability.
- 2 Corinthians 9:7
28. Doing is the ministry of givers.
- James 2:18
29. Life runs on reaping, not on begging. - Galatians 6:7
30. When you refuse to do what it takes to be rich, you have made your choice to be poor. - Deuteronomy 30:19
31. Giving is work, it’s not having fun!
- 1 Chronicles 29:2
32. Don’t live for gold, live for God!
- 1 Timothy 6:9-11 33. In your sowing, God is the "best ground" of all
grounds. - Mark 10:29
34. You can give without loving. But you can’t love without giving.
- John 15:13
35. If you are sleeping when others are sowing,
you’ll be a ?happy? beggar when they are reaping.
- Proverbs 6:10-11
36. Dangerous giving destroys lack.
- Psalm 50:5
37. Every time ?quality? comes out of you, it draws God’s response speedily.
- Genesis 22:9-18
38. You don’t get refreshed without flowing out.
- Genesis 12:2-3
39. You either live as a sower, or you die a
- Genesis 26:12
40. When you open up to the needy, you’ll never
become a needy.
- Psalm 41:1
41. While sowers become reapers, sleepers end up
as beggars.
- Proverbs 6:10-11
42. What you do not have, God cannot ask you
for. - 2 Corinthians 8:12
43. The giving grace enlarges the covenant coast
of a man.
- Deuteronomy 8:18
44. If you’re an investor in the kingdom of God,
the wisdom of God commands that riches is
your heritage.
- Malachi 3:10-11
45. You don’t get refreshed without flowing out.
- Proverbs 11:25
46. People who eat it all, miss it all at last.
- Ecclesiastes 11:1
47. Until you become a giver, material depression
is inevitable for you.
- Proverbs 11:24
48. A vow unpaid is a woe of omission.
- Ecclesiastes 5:4-5
49. What you’re saying when you’re helping the
poor is: "Lord, I thank You that I am not
- Job 29:4-13
50. The life of a hard-fisted man is always hard.
- Proverbs 21:13
51. Every time you give to the poor, you increase
the worth of your heavenly account.
- Proverbs 19:17
52. If you want seed time and harvest to cease, it
is you that will cease.
- Genesis 8:32
53. It is the attitude behind your giving that determines whether it has returns or not.
- 1 Corinthians 9:17
54. When you give, heavens open.
- Malachi 3:10
55. If you are too smart for God, in giving, poverty
will smite you!
- 2 Corinthians 9:6-8
56. As long as you remain a collector, you die a beggar.
- Luke 6:38
57. Nothing turns financial captivity like sacrifice.
- Psalm 126:1-6
58. Until something evaporates from you, nothing
"Outporates" to you. It is evaporation before "Raination".
- Ecclesiastes 11:3
59. Power to lay down is what provokes power to
receive. - John 10:17-18
60. If nothing is going up from you, nothing is
permitted to come down for you.
- Malachi 3:10
61. When giving becomes an aspect of your worship (not a tradition or economic gimmick), you will escape from financial stress and business failure.
- Malachi 3:10-11
62. Quality seed yields quality harvest.
- 2 Corinthians 9:6
63. Givers are winners and rulers.
- Proverbs 22:7
64. Anything you give for your sake has no future,
but everything you give for His sake has a great future.
- Mark 10:29-30
65. Fearful sowing results in fearful harvest. - Psalm 126:1-6
66. When we give for His sake, He minds oursake.
- Matthew 6:33
67. When you worship God with your means, you
gain access to His means. - Malachi 3:10
68. When you keep worshipping Him with your means, it never finishes.
- Philippians 4:15-19
69. Give and take is the law that commands ?live
and win? - Genesis 8:22
70. Every animal excretes their waste according to the size of their consumption.
- 2 Corinthians 8:12
71. Giving is the authentic proof of love. - John 3:16
72. Your body releases carbon dioxide to receive
oxygen. - Luke 6:38
73. Giving is Living!
- Job 29:12-15
74. Giving your size guarantees good health! - 2 Corinthians 8:12-13
75. Freshen up, as you empty your barrels.
- Proverbs 11:24
76. Refreshing follows your flowing out. - Proverbs 3:9-10
77. Giving is not equal to automatic abundance.
- Mark 12:43-44
78. Don’t try to bribe God with your giving; just worship Him.
- 1 Chronicles 29:17
79. Those who give to get end up in frustration;
but those who give for worship end up
- 1 Chronicles 29:3
80. The give to get approach is a failure-bound approach.
- Luke 6:34
81. When your giving is not in worship, it is a washout.
- Psalm 112:1-3
82. When you give to receive, you have destroyed the harvest.
- Proverbs 3:9-10
83. It guarantees Kingdom wealth Matt 6:33
84. Your abundance enjoy Divine security
85. Multiplication is inevitable John 3:16
86. Your harvest will come from the seed sown Gen 8:22
87. Giving averts curses
88. Giving averts plagues
89. Guarantees deliverance
90. Giving guarantees Divine Health Psm 41:1-3
91. Access to having all your needs met Phil 4:15-19
92. You are protected Mal 3:10
93. It guarantees a debt free life Psm 112:1-3
94. It makes living more comfortable
95. It brings sorrow free blessings Prov 10:22
96. You enjoy longevity Isa 55:20-24
97. Giving secures the future
98. Giving is the key to open the doors and windows of Heaven to pour you a blessing
99. Giving invites God in your affair to interfere
100. Giving is the very essence of life